651 results

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Gerardo and Helga Weinstein Scholarship

Established by Gerardo and Helga Weinstein to provide a scholarship for higher education based on academic merit, financial need and community involvement.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

JCRS College Aid

Through generous grants and no-interest loans, JCRS College Aid helps financially challenged students get one step closer to a cap and gown – and therefore one step closer to financial stability and self-sufficiency. Be a Jewish student residing in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, or Texas.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate

Greater Vancouver Israel Scholarship

The scholarship program is designed to help applicants in financial need participate in trips to Israel with priority given to first time trips. Previous family trips or early childhood experiences living in Israel do not disqualify youth from applying.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up tp $2,500

Linda Fenner Scholarship through JEWISHColorado

Jewish women between the ages of 21 and 45 who are Colorado residents and have been identified as leaders or as having leadership potential in the Jewish community.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Up to $2,500

Linda Fenner Scholarship

Applicants for this scholarship must be: Jewish, female, Colorado residents, at least 21, and identified as leaders in the Jewish community. The scholarships may be used to subsidize the cost of a young adult program, mission to Israel, national Jewish non-profit conference, or any other Jewish program.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to 2,500

Morton A. Gibson Memorial Scholarship

Recipients will have completed significant volunteer services within the local Jewish community (in addition to high school graduation service requirements).

High School Senior

Sahm/Goldman Scholarship

The Sahm/Goldman Scholarship is awarded to Jewish residents of the metropolitan Washington area who have completed at least two years of undergraduate study. Applicants must be studying or conducting significant research or career development in Israel. Priority to applicants traveling to Israel for the first time.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to $2,500

Hilda Specter Morgenstern Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a Jewish woman who plans to study in Israel at a university, seminary or other study abroad program. Applicants must: study in Israel during her undergraduate education, identify strongly as Jewish, have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and an interest in public advocacy, public policy or government affairs.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Study in israel

Susan L. Lichter Israel Scholarship Fund

Each year, two scholarships are available for $2,500 each to two local high school students. The scholarship application includes the submission of an essay. All essays will be reviewed blind by a review committee.

High School Senior
Study in israel