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BHI Judaic Award

Awarded to graduate students in the Judaic studies program at Towson University who are working in the Jewish community a minimum of 20 hours per week or teaching in a Jewish religious or day school a minimum of 2 hours per week.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Ida Lee Friedman Graduate Scholarship

To be eligible, applicants must be a graduate student earning a post-baccalaureate certificate or master's in a Judaic Studies program at Towson University. This scholarship provides ongoing support for students in graduate programs affiliated with Towson University's Baltimore Hebrew Institute.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Great Students Graduate Fellowship

This award supports graduate student advancement and thesis research in pursuit of an advanced degree with a commitment to the field of Jewish studies as evident by the thesis or dissertation topic. The funds may be used to underwrite the cost of travel, purchase of necessary equipment, supplies and language training.

Graduate Student

Gruss Scholarship for Study at Israeli Universities

The Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Scholarship For Study At Israeli Universities has been established at The George Washington University to support and encourage recent graduates planning graduate study at an Israeli university.

Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to $20,000

Einhorn Book Award

The Einhorn Book Award provides support to a Boston University graduate student for the purchase of books in all areas of Jewish Studies.

Graduate Student
Up to $500

Bennett G. Hornstein Endowment Fund

Provides scholarships for aspiring law students at either the University of Nebraska College of Law or Creighton University School of Law. Students must also display a commitment to community service.

Graduate Student

Arnold and Ruth W. Pian Scholarship

Sally L. Pian and Ira W. Silverman established this scholarship as a lasting tribute to Sally's parents with the hope of increasing the number of practicing physicians by enabling deserving students to attend the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. Applicants must be Undergraduate Seniors or Current Medical School Students.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Martin Samuelsohn Scholarship

Established by Martin Samuelsohn to encourage Jewish students to attend his alma mater, Southern Methodist University School of Law. Candidates must be enrolled in or applying for full-time study at Southern Methodist University School of Law. Academic excellence, financial need, and community involvement will be considered.

Graduate Student

David Sorkin Graduate Student Support Fund

The David Sorkin Scholarship provides a $1000 grant to support graduate student research in Modern Jewish history, with a preference for Modern European Jewish history.

Graduate Student