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Joseph Horowitz Travel Grant

The Joseph Horowitz Israel Travel Grant is available through the Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties. The grant may be used for travel to Israel to participate in programs that are volunteer or educational in nature.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Greater Miami Jewish Federation Scholarships

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation offers need-based assistance for Miami-Dade County residents, ages 15-26. Funding is one time only, and awards are based on need and length of an approved Israel program, which must contain Jewish educational content.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Lee & Charlotte Counties Educational Scholarship

The Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties will award scholarships through this Education Scholarship Program to Jewish residents who are pursuing post-secondary education. Recipients must be under 30 years of age and priority will be given to full time students.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to Jewish college students whose primary residence is within south Palm Beach County (Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach). Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to receive funding.

Current Undergraduate
Amount Varies

Linda Berey Hurst Chai Fund for Jewish Life

This scholarship ensures that Jewish students have access to immersive Jewish experiences, such as study in Israel programs. Only students who live in South Palm Beach County (Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach) are eligible. Students may receive scholarships for a total of two years.

Current Undergraduate
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Kay Becker Israel Fund

Provides scholarship/subsidy to teens for travel to Israel on a peer group trip.

High School Senior
Study in israel
Amount Varies

JUF Chicago Israel Scholarships

The Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation provides need-based scholarships for college students and young adults (up to 28 years old) to participate in an approved Israel Experience program. The purpose of these scholarships is to strengthen Jewish identity and commitment to Israel and the Chicago Jewish community.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Francis E. Mazur Scholarships

Awarded to high school seniors planning to attend an accredited Indiana college or university as a full-time student.

High School Senior
Amount Varies