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Jewish Federation of Central Alabama Israel Program Scholarship

The Jewish Federation of Central Alabama (JFCA) makes Israel Program grants available to local Jewish students. The grants are award for first time trips to Israel. This grant will be for a program in Israel that is sponsored by an educational or religious organization that is approved by the JFCA.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Academic Scholarship Program

You are eligible to apply if you were born and raised in the Chicago metro area, or had one continuous year of full-time employment in the Chicago metro area prior to enrollment, and intend to remain in the Chicago metro area after completing school. Secondly, Are entering an accredited graduate program or are entering your junior or senior year of an accredited bachelor’s degree program in a helping profession on a full-time basis for the full 2023-2024 academic year. 

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to $5,000

Jewish Fund for the Future

For post-college level studies in Jewish communal service, Jewish education, Jewish studies, Rabbinical or Cantorial degrees.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Jewish Scholarship Service

Jewish Scholarship Service of Greater Pittsburgh (JSS), provides need-based scholarships to qualified students in the Greater Pittsburgh area. This program is administered by Jewish Family and Community Services. With one application students are able to apply to more than 40 available family and scholarship funds.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

JFS David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship

The JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship seeks to encourage young people to treasure their Jewish heritage, reflect on their Jewish values, and better understand their connection to the community.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Up to $5,000

Jordan Schnitzer Book Awards

The Schnitzer Book Awards recognize and promote outstanding scholarship in the field of Jewish Studies and will honor scholars whose work embodies the best in the field: innovative research, excellent writing, and sophisticated methodology.

Graduate Student
Up to $10,000

Joseph Horowitz Travel Grant

The Joseph Horowitz Israel Travel Grant is available through the Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties. The grant may be used for travel to Israel to participate in programs that are volunteer or educational in nature.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Joseph Kremen Memorial Fellowship

The Joseph Kremen Memorial Fellowship is dedicated to assist an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate researcher in the fields of Eastern European Jewish arts, music and theater. This fellowship carries a stipend of $7,000 to defray expenses connected with research in the YIVO's arts, music and theater archival collections.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student