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BHI Need-based Scholarship

To be eligible, applicants must be graduate student earning a post-baccalaureate certificate or master's in a Judaic Studies program at Towson University. This scholarship is awarded to a graduate student in the Judaic studies program with demonstrated financial need.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

BHI Merit Scholarship

To be eligible, applicants must be graduate student earning a post-baccalaureate certificate or master's in a Judaic Studies program at Towson University. This scholarship is awarded to graduate students in the Judaic studies program with a GPA of 3.4 or higher and taking two or more three credit courses per term.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

BHI Judaic Award

Awarded to graduate students in the Judaic studies program at Towson University who are working in the Jewish community a minimum of 20 hours per week or teaching in a Jewish religious or day school a minimum of 2 hours per week.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Betty Schoenbaum Fund

Five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Beth Tzedec Congregation Men’s Club Scholarship

The scholarship is open to all students pursuing higher Jewish education. Program of study, ultimate benefit to the Jewish community and financial need are the key criteria.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Beth Kersten Saul Scholarship for Panhellenic Involvement

The Beth Kersten Saul Scholarship for Panhellenic Involvement was created by the Foundation Trustees of Alpha Epsilon Phi (AEPhi) to honor the service of Beth Kersten Saul (Xi, University of Southern California).All applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and will be scored based on academic performance; chapter, campus and community activities and financial need. Applicants for undergraduate scholarships MUST be initiated members who are rising juniors, and seniors. Graduate applicants must have completed at least one year of graduate studies prior to applying.

Current Undergraduate
Amount Varies

Beskin Memorial Scholarship Award

The Theodore H. and Esther Beskin Memorial Scholarship Award is given annually to a worthy local Jewish senior high school student. The recipient is selected on the basis of outstanding achievement and diligence in academic, personal, community endeavors, and other pertinent criteria.

High School Senior
Amount Varies

Bertha Anolic Visual Arts Israel Travel Award

Awarded to a Jewish student who has a particular interest in the visual arts and in Israel. Any Jewish student (junior, senior, or graduate) studying in a Jewish studies program, department of fine arts, or an academically accredited art school is eligible to apply for this $2,000 award. This award is administered by Temple University.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Berol-Shindell Scholarship

The Berol-Shindell Scholarship provides partial tuition scholarships to Jewish students in financial need who are currently attending or entering the University of Washington. Scholarship amounts vary depending upon the available funds for distribution and the financial needs of those applying.Application period March-May

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Amount Varies

Bernice and Gordon Brown Scholarship

This scholarship is a $5,000 award for a year's study at an approved Israeli university. Candidates must be permanent residents of Montreal who have demonstrated academic excellence and agree to return to Montreal and participate in the Jewish community. Applicants must submit a letter of acceptance from an Israeli university.

Current Undergraduate
Study in israel