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NYU Undergraduate Innovation Scholarship

Students who want to combine their interest of Jewish history and culture with a career in tech, business, or international affairs should apply for NYU's Innovation Scholarship. Applicants must major or minor in Hebrew and Judaic Studies. During their semester in Tel Aviv, they must take Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Israel.

Current Undergraduate
Study in israel

Ellen E. and Victor J. Cohn Education Abroad Scholarship Fund

Financial support is available for study at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Preference given to students attending Hebrew U for the entire academic year. Award is contingent on acceptance to Hebrew U and Ohio State approval of student travel to Israel. Applicants must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate at Ohio State.Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 deadline 2/24/2020

Current Undergraduate
Study in israel
Up to $5,000

Levy Scholarship for Study in Israel

The Julie and Ed Levy Jr. Endowed Fund for Scholarships for Student Leaders Studying in Israel offers scholarships for academic study in Israel and for enrichment activities for students at MSU before, during, or after study in Israel.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to $5,000

Ellen B. Fuhr Scholarship for Jewish Women at Hunter College

Ellen B. Fuhr is committed to empowering young Jewish women by helping them navigate challenges she knows firsthand. In honor of this mission, she has established this scholarship with Hillel International to support and uplift future leaders. Eligible applicants must self-identify as Jewish women and attend Hunter College, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a proven record of leadership, entrepreneurship, or volunteerism within their campus or local community.

Current Undergraduate

Martin Samuelsohn Scholarship

Established by Martin Samuelsohn to encourage Jewish students to attend his alma mater, Southern Methodist University School of Law. Candidates must be enrolled in or applying for full-time study at Southern Methodist University School of Law. Academic excellence, financial need, and community involvement will be considered.

Graduate Student

David L. Goodman Scholarship

David L. Goodman established a scholarship fund for the purpose of making a measurable, positive difference in deserving students' lives by easing their financial burdens. Four scholarships are awarded each year in the amount of $5,280 each.More information coming July 1st.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Peter Chortek Leadership Award

The Peter Chortek Leadership Award is available to Jewish high schoolers in San Diego, CA and is an award of $5,400 that students may use towards their undergraduate education. 

High School Senior

Mildred Engel Nurse Scholarship

This fund was established in 1992 to provide financial assistance to individual(s) needing a scholarship to secure an associate or baccalaureate degree in nursing. There is a requirement for the recipient to work at Heritage Manor for a minimum period of one (1) year following graduation from nursing school.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Up to $5,500

JSSA Educational Scholarship

Awarded to a senior in a Montgomery County public high school, accepted into a four-year undergraduate program, vocational school or community college.

High School Senior

Murray I. Daninhirsch Student Loan Fund

The Murray I. Daninhirsch Student Loan Fund provides interest free loans for undergraduate study to students who reside in Broward County. Loans shall be for a maximum of $6,000 per student. Loan repayment is to begin nine months after the individual ceases to be a full-time college student.

Current Undergraduate
Up to $6,000