Get to know Hillel
Hillel was, is, and will always be a space for all kinds of Jewish students — a place where they feel welcomed and included.

Our Mission
Enriching the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.
Our Vision
We envision a world where every student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning, and Israel.
For over 100 years, the Hillel movement has been uniquely focused on serving all kinds of Jewish students, no matter who they are or how they express their Judaism. Today, Hillel is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, serving more than 180,000 Jewish students each year at 850+ colleges and universities around the world. Every day, we strive to bring a spirit of genuine openness and inclusivity into everything we say and do.
Our Founding Philosophy
There isn’t one way to be Jewish. We know that expression of Jewish identity (and identity in general) comes in many forms, and just like no two people are the same, no two Jewish journeys are alike.
At Hillel, all kinds of students are invited and encouraged to bring their whole selves. Whether students keep kosher or have never attended synagogue; whether they want to participate in Shabbat or in a study group; whether they identify as Queer, Black, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, or all of the above. Hillel enables Jewish college students to freely explore what being Jewish in today’s world means to them.
Our Values
To achieve our mission and vision, our work focuses on core facets of Jewish life including Jewish learning, holiday and Shabbat celebration, arts and culture and building a meaningful, ongoing relationship with Israel. Hillel supports students’ spiritual growth and wellness, promotes leadership development and empowers students to make an impact on the broader community. Hillel builds relationships that promote understanding among diverse groups, advocates for Jewish students, and strives to ensure a safe and supportive atmosphere on campus.
B’tzelem Elohim | In the Divine Image
We welcome every student as their whole self, honoring their unique Jewish journeys as we empower their growth as individuals and Jews.
Chavruta | Relationships
Authentic relationships grounded in respect and kindness are the foundation of Hillel’s work and the basis for facilitating growth, learning and community. Our primary relationship is with students, whom the organization is here to serve. We also value key relationships that advance our mission – with our professional colleagues, our university and organizational partners, and our supporters.
Kehillah | Community
Jewish life at its core is a collective experience, encompassing the multifaceted connections that bind us together as a Jewish people. We are committed to creating diverse, supportive, sustaining communities, in which students and professionals can celebrate, explore, learn, take risks and grow. Our commitment to pluralism is strengthened when these communities are given space for active expression in respectful encounter with one another. Our journeys are personal, distinctive, and unique, but they are not solitary. They do not begin and end with us.
Ahavat Am Yisrael/Ahavat HaBeriyot |
Love of the Jewish People/Love of All Humanity
Our work is informed both by our love of the Jewish people and a commitment to be engaged global citizens dedicated to amplifying the good and repairing the broken in the Jewish community and the world.
Torat Chayim | A Living Torah
Hillel is a learning organization. We ground our work in tradition and cultivate a vibrant Judaism attuned to the ever-changing experiences of students in college. The evolving nature of our work requires us to be self-reflective and to work with a spirit of agility and innovation.