By the Numbers
Our Impact
Hillel is the most inclusive, future-forward Jewish campus organization, paving a pathway for college students to celebrate and participate in Jewish life.

College is often seen as a training ground — preparing students to navigate the world after crossing the graduation stage. But in the breaks between their academic classes, who’s nurturing and nourishing their Jewish lives?
Hillel, of course.
From traditional holiday dinners to Havdalah in the mountains to tikkun olam and underwater trash cleanups, we have something for every student looking for Jewish connection and community. That’s because we value letting students take the reins, creating their own version of Jewish life rather than imposing an idea of what that means.
As a movement in tune with Jewish student needs, we know there isn’t one “type of Jew”. We’re mindful of and celebrate the many identities of students who constitute our global Jewish community, more than 170,000 students strong.
In addition to the fun parts that come with being a Jewish student, we also address urgent needs on campus: Antisemitism, mental health struggles, isolation and anxiety, and so much more.
Every day, our work is steered by students and professionals who make the vision for our worldwide Jewish community a reality.
Nearly 1000
Campuses served by Hillels around the world
Years since Hillel’s founding in 1923
Students and young alumni active in Hillel each year
Countries where Hillel operates
Hillel professionals worldwide
Scholarships and stipends provided to Jewish students each year