Category: Uncategorized

168 results

Confronting Antisemitism Together

Hillel professionals and university administrators from all three cohorts Hillel International’s Campus Climate Initiative (CCI) gathered this week at University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill to share their experiences and their best practices in countering antisemitism and creating safe spaces for Jewish students on campus. 

Hillel Student Leaders Celebrate Israel’s 75th Birthday on a Mission in Partnership with The Jewish Agency, Engage with Leaders in Israeli Society

 In the lead-up to Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, a delegation of eight top Hillel student leaders arrived in Israel for a week of high-level meetings with government officials, experiences with Israel’s civil society, and briefings with top geopolitical experts. The trip is in partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel and Israel Experience. 

Finding Empathy in the Passover Story

At my seder table growing up, we took turns passing the storytelling baton around our large table filled with multiple generations of family and guests. We each read aloud from the Haggadah, doing our part to tell the greatest story of the Jewish tradition.

Perplexed about Passover? We’ve Got You Covered

With good food, good drink, an epic story, and lively conversation, it’s no wonder Passover is one of the most celebrated Jewish holidays in the world. This year, Passover begins on the evening of April 5th, and ends on April 13th. Here are some common Passover customs and rituals, including some helpful hints for celebrating Passover on campus:

Running with Ritzah

“I’m Jewish and I love to run” is the unifying passion shared by each student organizer of Ritzah: The Jewish Running Project. From across the United States and Israel, these enthusiastic runners came together in early 2022 to find ways to lift up other students who were searching for ways to integrate their Jewish identities with their love of running.