Two-Line Torah: Bereshit 5777–To be (or not to be) a role model
Bereshit gives us insight into human relationships and how to be or not be a role model.
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Bereshit gives us insight into human relationships and how to be or not be a role model.
Traditionally, we use the time around the High Holidays to atone for our sins by seeking forgiveness from those we’ve wronged throughout the past year. Teshuva, or repentance, can take many forms, though. We asked three members of the Hillel community – a student, a rabbinic intern and a senior Jewish educator – to share their perspectives on what teshuva means to them.
Hillels on seven campuses next week will welcome visiting Israeli professionals who have previously served as Jewish Agency to Israel Fellows to Hillels.
When arriving in college, many feel a newfound sense of independence, and with that freedom comes the desire to both dispense with the old.
In the midst of the High Holy days, it often feels like we need the koach (strength) to get to our own New Frontier.
Endowment will fund several projects – the Eleanor Meyerhoff Katz Jewish Innovation Summit, Innovation Fellow and Innovation Award – all designed to foster creative thinking and new ideas.
Today, most Jews do not see themselves as exiles. Nonetheless, the home—exile continuum remains relevant for Jewish life and Hillel work.
Hillel International today named Shira Hutt as Vice President for Global Leadership, tasked with developing and integrating lay leaders into its global mission.
The room buzzes with a shared gratitude for the effort taken to arrive together at this meal. The stories we tell of arriving, however simple, make the present come alive with meaning.
Hillel’s 2016 survey of more than 10,000 Jewish college students from across North America and the former Soviet Union found that students’ connection to Jewish life grows with each interaction.