News & Views

News, stories, and updates from Hillel communities worldwide

812 results

Hillel Institute 2016 in photos

Hundreds of student interns and professionals from around the world came together at Washington University in St. Louis in early August for #Hillelinstitute 2016.

The Friday Text Project

At the end of a long, stressful week of classes, Emily Englander’s smartphone buzzes. “On Shabbat we try to make time for what is important by putting what is urgent on hold,” it tells her.

Intern Spotlight

Hillel International selected a handful of highly qualified college students for a two-month summer internship program. Here are some of their stories.

Two-Line Torah: Devarim 5776–Collaboration

We all try to carry our burdens alone. Sometimes we worry that asking for help is a sign of weakness, other times we are so overwhelmed with our to-do list that we don’t even know how to ask.

Meet The Jewish Harvard Student Going for Gold in Rio

While many college students are excited to tune into the 2016 Olympics lounging in their living rooms, Eli Dershwitz will enjoy a closer view. The Harvard student, 20, will compete for gold as part of the U.S. Olympic Fencing Team in Rio.