Topic: Holidays

46 results

Charoset Across Cultures

Students from across the Hillel movement and various cultures share their family recipes for the Seder plate essential. Just as different ingredients come together to create this valuable and delicious dish, so too do Hillel students to create meaningful Jewish communities on campus.

A Different Kind of Purim Mask for a Different Kind of Year.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how Purim commemorates the survival of Jews who were marked for death. How many of us have felt that ominous shadow hanging over us, over our communities this last year? There were times when we thought anyone who went outside was asking to get sick and die.

Our biggest goal was to foster an inclusive environment.

I think the best part of that whole conversation was they were so grateful that we educated them because they didn’t know something that we were able to teach them about. They weren’t apologizing profusely. They were sorry, but they weren’t like ‘Really? You have to make our lives more difficult?’ They were so willing to make this change happen with us.