
Living by my values



March 4, 2019

“When I started to get involved with Kansas University Hillel as a freshman, I was so excited to find Jewish friends and create my own Jewish community on campus. And as I got more involved and took on a variety of leadership roles, I explored and learned the value of a one-on-one conversation, a small twist in a Friday night service, and the sheer thrill of celebrating Judaism with hundreds of students. 

“Additionally, a vital part of creating my Jewish college experience were the caring and passionate professional staff at KU Hillel. Whether it was individual mentoring, challenging me to think differently about Judaism and life, or cultivating a truly welcoming environment, my relationships with the staff at KU Hillel showed me that being a Jewish professional could be a meaningful and exciting career. As I work with Jewish college students now, I carry with me the values of strong staff-student partnership, creativity, innovation and always having fun along the way.” — Evan Traylor, Associate Director for College Engagement at Union for Reform Judaism, University of Kansas