38 results

The Ultimate Hanukkah Party Hosting Guide

1. Create a latke bar with different types of toppings and sauces. Offer classic toppings like sour cream and applesauce, but also include unique options like smoked salmon, avocado, and various flavored creams. 2. Hanukkah is all about light, so make that the focus of your decor. Combine candles, clear strung holiday lights, and even […]

RootOne Israel Trips Inspire Future Hillel Leaders

Hillel International professionals travel all over the U.S. and the world to interact with Jewish students; visiting campus Hillels, staffing Birthright Israel trips, and running immersive experiences throughout the summer. On this particular trip to Israel, Hillel International staff members attended a unique event that brought together 5,000 Jewish American high school students who were […]

Reflecting on Transformative Trips to Israel

RootOne is an organization that helps thousands of Jewish teens travel to Israel during their high school years. Many of those students go on to become leaders in their campus Hillels. The stories of these transformative trips are a snapshot into what inspires students to become leaders who are proud of their Jewish identities. Stay tuned as we share more of their stories.

Running with Ritzah

“I’m Jewish and I love to run” is the unifying passion shared by each student organizer of Ritzah: The Jewish Running Project. From across the United States and Israel, these enthusiastic runners came together in early 2022 to find ways to lift up other students who were searching for ways to integrate their Jewish identities with their love of running.