895 results

At ease

At Hillel, I found a place of peace, my sanctuary.

Keeping our students safe

Hillel is not — and has never been — afraid to confront anti-Semitism and other forms of hate on campus.

Students Raise Over $50,000 for Local Hillels

Grassroots student-led campaign On One Foot drove students this February from seven college campuses to compete for first place raising money for their respective local Hillels. Hillel at UCLA reached the top spot, raising $23,141.

Finding my Israel

At 12 years old, I crossed the Atlantic for the first time, for what would be eight years (and counting) of living in the United States.

Enthusiastic Western Pennsylvania native gives the ‘Gift of Life’

Simons began her journey as a stem cell donor through Gift of Life in September 2013 while she was still a student at Temple University. Temple’s Hillel was hosting a Gift of Life registry drive in its sukkah when the social work major had the inside of her cheek swabbed with cotton.

Fighting Hunger with Hillel

Roughly 25 percent of college students—one in four—suffer from food insecurity, defined as not having enough nutritious food to eat. Hillel students are rolling up their sleeves to do something about it. Local Hillel chapters are collaborating with Challah for Hunger, a non-profit in which volunteers bake and sell challah loaves, donating the revenue to food charities, to combat hunger.