Updates from Hillel CASE (Central Asia Southeastern Europe)

Hillel CASE unites Jewish students across the former Soviet Union, with centers in Ukrainian cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa, and Lviv, as well as Chisinau, Moldova; Minsk, Belarus; Tbilisi, Georgia; and Baku, Azerbaijan. Check out some of their top programs from the first few months of 2024.
February 2024
Yad VaShem: Zoom In
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, students across Hillel CASE participated in an interactive program with the Yad VaShem World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. The event centered on the importance of communal memory and bringing major historical events to the forefront. Students broke into groups to watch documentaries about events like Kristallnacht, the Nuremberg Laws, Blood Libels, and the Judenrat, then gave presentations about what they learned to the full community. By engaging with the difficult memories of our past, these students hoped to ensure the message of International Holocaust Remembrance Day remained front and center: Never forget.
Celebrating Tu B’Shvat
Each Hillel CASE city has its own Tu B’Shvat traditions, and this year was no exception. Classes and programs were held across the region, with particular attention paid to the seven fruits of Israel that symbolized the New Year of Trees. Celebrations included making eco-friendly accessories in Kyiv; master classes on botany, Jewish herblore, and unique plant traditions in Odesa, Minsk, and Kharkiv; and tree-planting in Baku.
One of the most unique Tu B’Shvat events this year was held in Odessa. Joining the talented craftswomen from the Roslynna Lavka studio, students dove into the roots, history, and traditions of Tu B’Shvat by creating magical compositions from small plants, moss, and stones. They learned how to select and care for their chosen plants, and how to grow them in small jars. Once their planted masterpieces had been finished and decorated, students ended the event with a dessert of delicious dates — one of the seven fruits of Israel, and a sweet symbol of the holiday.
Student Support in Kharkiv
Daily stress and anxiety are a constant for many college students. Mental health support programs play a crucial role in helping them online and offline, and Hillel is proud to launch new initiatives that bring mental health professionals to students. Recently, Hillel Kharkiv welcomed a psychologist who will facilitate several classes on understanding and combating anxiety which is especially high among students impacted by the Russia-Ukraine war. Other offerings include art therapy classes, where students apply therapy techniques to thinking broadly and creatively, discussing and celebrating one another’s work.
Opening a New Office with a Celebratory Shabbat
Kharkiv Hillel opened a new office this year, and celebrated by welcoming students for a community challah-baking program for their first Shabbat. Students enjoyed their delicious bread together at a communal dinner — because nothing makes a warm challah better than some good company. The following day, students welcomed in the new week with an informal program featuring presentations by students on entertaining topics like “Capybara Research,” “Things in Hillel That Just Make Sense,” “The Influence of the Gastronomic Avant-garde on Fashion in the Context of Zero Fashion,” and more. We wish we could have been there!
June 2023
Hillel Kharkiv back in nature for Lag Ba’Omer! For the first time in over a year, Hillel Kharkiv was able to gather for an outdoor program. The Hillel community came together to celebrate Lag Ba’Omer with a bonfire, treats, and games about the traditions and practices of Lag Ba’Omer. Hillel participants and staff alike were excited to celebrate together in nature after so many months of upheaval.
Learning about art therapy in Kyiv: Over the past year, Hillel CASE has worked to provide mental health resources and support for young adults and their families facing upheaval and trauma from the war in Ukraine. Recently, a cohort of young adults from Hillel Kyiv visited the Or Shalom Center for Trauma Work to participate in a group art therapy exercise. Members of the cohort spoke about how they are hopeful these exercises will help them manage this difficult time in their lives.
Celebrating Shavuot in the rain: Dnipro Hillel gathered for a picnic to celebrate Shavuot as a community. Despite an unexpected rainstorm, students were excited to make milkshakes, learn about the origins of the holiday, and study Torah together. When the rain ended, the students and staff held a particularly emotional havdalah ceremony and reflected on how their community’s connections helped them overcome the struggles of the past year.
Children’s Dream Festival with Hillel Lviv: In honor of World Children’s Day, Hillel Lviv participants created a festival for children in their community. Activities included baking classes, fire dances, and sandal-making workshops. The festival also featured artwork for sale from children all over Ukraine to raise money for programming and support for children impacted by the war.
February 2023
Stories from Hillel CASE in recognition of the first anniversary of the start in the war in Ukraine:
November 2022
Hillel Kyiv and Hillel Odessa Meet for Shabbat in Chernivtsi: For the first time, the young adults of Hillel Kyiv and Hillel Odessa joined together to celebrate Shabbat in the historic city of Chernivtsi. Touring the city, visiting historical sites, and celebrating Shabbat were all on the itinerary. One surprise event: a marriage proposal, to which the answer was a resounding “yes”!
Helping Those in Need with Hillel Kyiv: At the conclusion of the High Holidays, students from Hillel Kyiv purchased and delivered food and other supplies to those in need in their city, even as air raid sirens sounded around them.
Celebrating Sukkot in Odessa: Each year, students from Hillel Odessa join the Migdal Community Center to fulfill the commandments of Sukkot, have a delicious meal in the sukkah, and remember the history and traditions of the holiday. A great time was had by all!
Shabbat by Candlelight in Kyiv: After authorities requested residents of Kyiv to save electricity by turning off their lights, Hillel Kyiv observed Shabbat by candlelight. Participants who could not make it in person were able to join the service online. Shabbat was celebrated to the tune of vinyl records and calm conversations.
Hillel Kharkiv’s Havdalah and Paint Night: Students from Hillel Kharkiv gathered in a local coffee shop to observe Havdalah and have an evening of painting. This event marked their first time together since February. It was a beautiful chance for those gathered to reconnect after so many months apart.
Dealing with Anxiety at Hillel Odessa: Psychologist Tetyana Abramova met with members of Hillel Odesa to discuss addressing anxiety during stressful times. Participants found the session incredibly helpful, and they look forward to meeting with Dr. Abramova again soon.
October 2022
Hillel Kharkiv Rebuilds: After many months of rebuilding and healing, Hillel Kharkiv was able to spend Shabbat together in their restored building. It was a powerful experience that inspired students with the sense of how strong and resilient their community is and a true moment of celebration and togetherness.
Jewish Atlantis (a ten-day journey through the forgotten shtetls of Ukraine): This summer Hillel Kharkiv’s students traveled to Jewish communities in Ukraine and throughout Eastern Europe. While plans had to be changed several times due to the war, students were able to visit important Jewish historical sites such as the Krakow Ghetto Square, the Alt Shul, and Schindler’s factory. Students filmed video essays as part of the trip and are excited to share those with their community this fall.
Taglit group from Baku: In August, 22 students traveled from Baku to Israel through Taglit. In preparation for the trip, the students spent time together learning about each other and about what to expect from the trip. They were also able to speak with a Taglit alum who shared his experience with traveling to Israel and how it has impacted his Jewish identity.
Madrich Schools: 17 students graduated recently from the Madrich program which trains young Jewish leaders in Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. These students will go on to run programs in summer camps, Hillels, and staff trips with Taglit. They had a blast!
Service Projects: From the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Hillel Lviv’s students have been working hard to serve the vulnerable members of their communities in this difficult and unsettled time. Students work with children to make sure they have food and school supplies and spend time with older adults to connect with them and alleviate loneliness.
*Photo provided by Hillel CASE