Hillel in Central Asia & Southeastern Europe
Hillel in Central Asia and Southeastern Europe (CASE) plays a prominent role in the lives of Jewish students and young adults in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Crimea, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

In Central Asia and Southeastern Europe, Hillel is embracing all Jewish students and young adults, many of whom are discovering their Jewish roots for the first time. Hillel CASE brings hundreds of young Jews to Israel for the first time on Birthright Israel, and facilitates their Jewish growth when they return through retreats, seminars, and community-building experiences.
Young adults Hillel CASE has sent on Birthright Israel
The Headlines
Young Jews in Central Asia and Southeastern Europe are fostering and maintaining community.
Hillel Kharkiv Begins to Rebuild
After Hillel Kharkiv was reduced to rubble, volunteers came together to rebuild the building that previously housed 600 Jewish students and young professionals.
Hillel CASE Prepares Students to Lead
Nearly 20 students graduated from the Madrich program, which trains young Jewish leaders in Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. They went on to run Jewish programs at home and abroad.
Discover. Learn. Grow. Repeat.
Hillel CASE is providing students and young adults with varied opportunities to connect with Jewish life.